What is the Best Solution to Unclog a Toilet?

September 18, 2023

We’ve all been there – frantically searching for solutions when our trusty throne gets backed up. But fear not, because, in today’s blog post, we’re diving headfirst into the wonderful world of unclogging toilets. 

From tried-and-true methods to ingenious hacks and expert tips, we’ll explore what truly holds the title for the best way to unclog a toilet. So put on your DIY hat and get ready to bid farewell to those pesky blockages once and for all!

Causes of a Clogged Toilet

Excessive Toilet Paper

One of the most frequent culprits is excessive toilet paper usage. While it’s crucial to maintain hygiene, using an excessive amount of TP in one flush can overwhelm the drainage system. Avoid overloading the toilet bowl with an excessive amount of toilet paper to prevent potential clogs.

Foreign Objects

Children are known for their curious nature, but they often unknowingly contribute to clogged toilets by flushing toys, jewelry, or other objects down the drain. Even adults can accidentally drop items like dental floss, cotton balls, or hairpins into the bowl. Make sure to keep an eye out for any foreign objects near the toilet to avoid potential blockages.

Hard Water Deposits

Mineral-rich hard water is prevalent in many areas, and it can lead to limescale build-up inside your toilet’s pipes over time. These mineral deposits can accumulate, narrowing the pipe diameter and causing clogs. Regular cleaning with a mild acid-based cleaner can help remove these deposits and minimize the risk of blockages.

Tree Root Intrusions

While less common than the other causes mentioned, tree root intrusions can wreak havoc on your plumbing system. Over time, roots from nearby trees can penetrate the sewer line, causing blockages and even pipe damage. If you notice your toilet frequently clogging, especially alongside slow drainage in other fixtures, it might be worth investigating for potential tree root intrusions.

Understanding the causes of a clogged toilet is the first step to prevention. By practicing good habits like avoiding excessive toilet paper usage, keeping an eye out for foreign objects, being cautious about flushable items, addressing hard water deposits, and monitoring potential tree root intrusions, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of dealing with annoying toilet clogs.

Best Natural Home Remedies to Unclog the Toilet

When faced with a clogged toilet, it’s natural to seek immediate solutions. Before reaching for chemical drain cleaners or calling a plumber, try out these natural remedies to save time, money, and the environment.

Hot Water and Dish Soap

The combination of hot water and soap will help break down the clog, allowing it to flush away easily.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

A trusty combination found in most kitchens, baking soda and vinegar can also work wonders on a clogged toilet. Finish off by flushing the toilet to clear away any remaining debris.

Epsom Salt and Hot Water

Epsom salt is not just for a relaxing bath; it can also be used to tackle the best toilet clogs!

Plunger Power

What is the Best Solution to Unclog a Toilet

A classic tool for unclogging toilets, a plunger can be highly effective when used correctly. Make sure the plunger’s rubber cup is fully covering the toilet drain. Create a tight seal by pressing down gently, then vigorously push and pull the plunger in an up-and-down motion. Keep repeating this action until the water begins to drain. Once the clog is dislodged, flush the toilet to clear it completely.

Wire Coat Hanger

If the clog is located within reach, using a wire coat hanger can help remove it. Straighten out the hanger, leaving a small hook at one end. Insert the hooked end into the toilet drain carefully and maneuver it around until you feel resistance. Once you’ve hooked onto the clog, pull it out gently. After removing the obstruction, flush the toilet to ensure everything is cleared.

Next time you encounter a clogged toilet, give these natural remedies a try before resorting to harsh chemicals or professional help. With hot water and dish soap, baking soda and vinegar, Epsom salt and hot water, a trusty plunger, or a wire coat hanger, you’ll have the tools to tackle common toilet clogs in an eco-friendly and cost-effective manner.

Best Way to Unclog a Toilet

Dealing with a clogged toilet is never a pleasant situation. Sometimes, you may not have immediate access to specialized tools or ample time to troubleshoot. In such cases, quick fixes can provide temporary relief until you can address the problem more thoroughly. In this listicle, we’ll explore five handy quick best fixes to unclog your toilet.

Boiling Water Technique

A straightforward yet effective method, boiling water can make a surprising difference in unclogging a toilet. Carefully heat up a large pot of water on the stove until it reaches a rolling boil. Once ready, carefully pour the hot water into the toilet bowl from waist height. The boiling water’s force can potentially dislodge the clog, making it easier to flush. However, avoid using this method if your toilet bowl is made of delicate materials like porcelain or if you suspect the clog is caused by non-flushable items.

Soap and Hot Water

The soapy solution may provide enough lubrication to dislodge the obstruction and restore proper flushing.

Bent Wire Hanger

If you don’t have the best toilet plunger at hand, a bent wire hanger can serve as a useful alternative. Straighten out the hanger and create a small hook at one end. Carefully insert the hooked end into the toilet drain, maneuvering it around to break up or grab onto the clog. Make sure to be gentle to avoid scratching the porcelain. Once you’ve made progress, flush the toilet to clear away any remaining debris.

Enzyme-Based Cleaners

Enzyme-based cleaners are designed to break down organic waste with the best toilet brush, making them an effective option for toilet clogs caused by such matter. Follow the instructions on the cleaner’s packaging, pouring the recommended amount into the toilet bowl. Allow the cleaner to work its magic for the specified duration, usually several hours or overnight. Once the time has passed, the best flushing toilet to check if the clog has cleared.

In situations where time and resources are limited, quick fixes can offer temporary solutions to unclog a toilet. Whether it’s using the flush and wait method, pouring boiling water, relying on soap and hot water, employing a bent wire hanger, or utilizing enzyme-based cleaners, these techniques can help alleviate the immediate problem until you have the opportunity to address the underlying cause more thoroughly.

Calling a Professional Plumber

What is the Best Solution to Unclog a Toilet

Expertise and Experience

Professional plumbers possess the necessary knowledge and expertise to tackle even the most stubborn clogs. They undergo rigorous training and have extensive experience in dealing with various plumbing problems, including toilet blockages. Their accumulated knowledge allows them to quickly identify the root cause of the clog and implement the most effective solution promptly.

Proper Tools and Equipment

Unclogging a toilet often requires specialized tools and equipment that are not commonly found in households. Professional plumbers come equipped with a wide array of tools designed specifically for toilet repairs. From drain snakes and augers to high-pressure water jets, these tools enable plumbers to efficiently clear the obstruction without causing any damage to your toilet or plumbing system.

Time and Cost Efficiency

Attempting to unclog a toilet yourself can be time-consuming and may lead to additional expenses. By calling a professional plumber, you save valuable time that could be better spent on other tasks or activities. Additionally, a plumber’s expertise ensures a more efficient resolution, reducing the risk of recurring issues. Ultimately, this can save you money by preventing costly repairs down the road.

Safety and Hygiene

Toilet clogs can create unsanitary conditions in your bathroom, posing health risks for you and your family. A professional plumber follows strict safety protocols while handling sewage-related issues, minimizing the chances of contamination and the spread of bacteria. Moreover, they have access to protective gear and disinfection products to ensure a safe and hygienic environment throughout the repair process.

Preventative Maintenance and Advice

When you call a professional plumber to unclog your toilet, you gain the opportunity to receive expert advice on preventing future clogs. Plumbers can assess the condition of your plumbing system, identify potential underlying issues, and offer recommendations to avoid similar problems in the future.

This preventive maintenance approach can save you from repeated toilet blockages and potential plumbing emergencies.

While it may be tempting to tackle a clogged toilet by yourself, the benefits of calling a professional plumber are undeniable. Their expertise, specialized tools, time efficiency, safety measures, and preventative maintenance advice make them the go-to choice for efficiently resolving toilet clogs. 


Unclogging a toilet can be an irritating inconvenience, but armed with these key takeaways, you can approach the task with confidence. Remember to start with simple methods, exercise caution with chemical drain cleaners, utilize specialized tools when needed, explore DIY remedies, and don’t hesitate to contact a professional plumber if the situation escalates.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to maintaining a smoothly functioning toilet and a stress-free bathroom experience.

Start with Simple Methods

When confronted with a clogged toilet, begin by using basic techniques to bring the best toilet seats before moving on to more advanced methods. Options like using a plunger or a mixture of hot water and dish soap can often clear minor clogs without much effort. Remember to apply gentle, consistent pressure and maintain a tight seal with the plunger for optimal results.

Be Mindful of Chemical Drain Cleaners

What is the Best Solution to Unclog a Toilet

Utilize Specialized Tools

For more stubborn clogs, invest in specialized tools such as a toilet auger or drain snake. These tools are designed to navigate through the pipes and break up or retrieve the blockage, clearing the way for a smooth-flowing toilet. Familiarize yourself with their usage instructions or consider seeking professional assistance for a seamless unclogging experience.

DIY Solutions

If you prefer a natural and cost-effective approach, homemade remedies can come to the rescue. Baking soda and vinegar, for instance, create a powerful foaming reaction that can help break down clogs. Additionally, a mixture of water and Epsom salt may aid in loosening stubborn obstructions. These DIY solutions are worth a try before resorting to more invasive methods.

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